Ataque racista en la televisión: Espejo de una sociedad anti-negra

Por: Yadira Nieves Pizarro      Como si hubiese salido de un paso de comedia de la televisión del siglo XX, la semana pasada el personaje de La Comay, en su programa de Mega TV, se burló de la candidata a al Senado por el Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana, Ana Irma Rivera Lassén, haciendo alusión al servilismo queContinue reading “Ataque racista en la televisión: Espejo de una sociedad anti-negra”

Estrategias de comunicación de riesgos para construír comunidades resilientes

Por: Yadira Nieves Pizarro En la sociedad de la información la comunicación sobre riesgos se encuentra en una interesante coyuntura. Hoy día la habilidad de comunicar información de riesgos es esencial en la mayoría de las industrias y sectores tanto para situaciones de rutina como para crisis. La recepción del mensaje como función crítica enContinue reading “Estrategias de comunicación de riesgos para construír comunidades resilientes”

La radio que se ve-nde

Por: Yadira Nieves Pizarro En la era del transmedia, cuando convergen medios, formatos y lenguajes, la radio puertorriqueña se aferra a un modelo de negocio que ha limitado su evolución y, por consiguiente el favor del público. El aspecto financiero determina muchas de las desiciones sobre el contenido que se transmite. No es un secretoContinue reading “La radio que se ve-nde”

Las redes sociales y los contenidos informativos

Por: Yadira Nieves Pizarro Cuando se trata de allegar audiencias a contenidos informativos, las redes sociales representan la punta de la lanza. Un estudio de la Asociación de Ejecutivos de Ventas y Mercadeo (SME) en 2018 reveló que el 75 por ciento de los puertorriqueños tiene acceso a la Internet mayormente a través de susContinue reading “Las redes sociales y los contenidos informativos”

Reporting on terror attacks

By: Yadira Nieves-Pizarro Terrorism is a constant threat in the Western World and mainstream media in the United States will cover such stories as they develop in the homeland and Europe. Consider the treatment given to the incidents occurred in France and Germany by the New York Times and the Washington Post during the summer ofContinue reading “Reporting on terror attacks”

Reporting on the Zika pandemic

By: Yadira Nieves-Pizarro Pandemics are considered global crisis. As such they receive comprehensive news coverage and require responses from governments and health authorities. As it happens with terrorism, mainstream news outlets in the United States will cover disease outbreaks such as Avian Influenza, Ebola or Zika virus as they threaten to infect their population. In 2014, thereContinue reading “Reporting on the Zika pandemic”

Corrections, apologies and retractions: Misinformation in social media news

By: Yadira Nieves-Pizarro News organizations continue to see growth pertaining their online publics (Olmstead & Shearer, 2015; Conaghan, 2015). Social media is an audience magnet for news businesses that use these outlets to promote their stories as they develop in real time. Today, the organization’s social media accounts serve users that consume their news throughContinue reading “Corrections, apologies and retractions: Misinformation in social media news”

Journalistic Training for the Web 3.0 Media Landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean’s Spanish Speaking Countries

For the journalistic profession in Latin America and the Caribbean’s Spanish speaking countries, to truly comply with social responsibility, information in this new media landscape must be produced in new media industries that exploit the multimedia capabilities of the Web (Jarvis, 2010, p. x), yet are faithful to journalistic ethics and rigor. Communications professionals in this part of the world were overwhelmed with the sudden surge of Social Media in the News Industry. In this scenario there are ethical and practical issues that have to be addressed in order to maintain justice and truthfulness (principles that guide our profession) in news reporting. An aspiring reporter who masters the skills for the Web 3.0 media landscape is an asset to society.

The inverted pyramid of data journalism

Originally posted on Online Journalism Blog:
I’ve been working for some time on picking apart the many processes which make up what we call data journalism. Indeed, if you read the chapter on data journalism (blogged draft) in my Online Journalism Handbook, or seen me speak on the subject, you’ll have seen my previous diagram…